Feb 26, 2009

Louis Armstrong - What A Wonderful World

Such a beautiful song.....peaceful

Jan 4, 2009

Two Talking Cats

original version two talking cats . soooo cute!!


Stonehenge.(click view original size)

Jan 1, 2009

Window View

view from one of my windows

Pinup idol Marilyn Monroe

From 1930s to 1960s some magazines started using images of sex coupled with the illusion of power to sell directly to the male fantasies. “Pinup” appeared repeatedly in intimate apparel advertisements.

Marilyn Monroe, who had posed for the most famous of all calendar pinups in 1949, had become an idol icon. So many men used the images to decorate their rooms, and even wallets. Aside from the visual pleasure of gazing at such enticing beauties, the practice was one way of signifying masculinity and marking the male domain.