Nov 29, 2008

Isabella Rossellini "Green Porno"

"Green Porno" is a series of short films conceived and featuring by Isabella Rossellini about the sex life of bugs, insects. The films are a bit comical but insightful study of the curious ways certain bugs “make love”. “Green” echoes the ecological movement of today and our interest in nature.

Each film is executed in a very simple childlike manner. They are a playful mixture of real world and cartoon. The costume are paper cut colorful sets.Each episode begins with Isabella speaking to the camera “ If I were a…(fly, spider, bee etc.).

More videos go to official website:

Ensuring the Future of Food

A clip of educational from Japan's Ministry of Agriculture.very interesting.

As real as it get

haha this is so cool. I suggest Adobe photoshop should consider use this as their official interface.

Click and see details!

agency : Bates141 Jakarta
creative director : Hendra Lesmono
art director : Andreas Junus & Irawandhani Kamarga
copywriter : Darrick Subrata
account executive : Nitya Priyahita
photographer : Anton Ismael

Nov 28, 2008

Funny Ideas

are they advertise socks? LOL

awsome design

awesome series of painting on hands.

Pecha Kucha presentation

made my first clip for my presentation,Pecha Kucha from Japan, 20 slides and 20 secs each,pretty fun to do hehe.hmmm my voice sounds soooo weird! but of course my real voice always sounds sexiser :P

view from my room

View from my room. weather unexpected changeble here.hmm but i am pleased with the color result for my photo shooting.^_^